About Us

Stephen Girard Elementary is part of the School District of Philadelphia. We service neighborhood children in grades Kindergarten through 4th Grade who live in our catchment area. We are located at 1800 Snyder Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19145. (click address for Google maps) To find out if we are your neighborhood school, or to find out which school is in your catchment area, click here SCHOOL FINDER.

Our school practices productive collaboration between students, staff, and families to promote systems and structures that support social and academic development of all students through clear systems of communicating the needs of students.

Teachers and students grow as learners to foster student achievement and support students as active participants in the process of learning. School leadership is active and visible in supporting teachers in implementing rigorous instructional practices. Families are treated with a customer service orientation which assumes that all families have the best intentions when addressing the needs of their children.  We set high expectations for students, staff, and parents.